Drake Bend: Project Management

Stakeholders and Communications

Stakeholder Communication
Client: Person who buys the house None
Real estate agent Monthly
Draftsperson Weekly during design phase only
Builder Monthly during design phase, then daily during build
Neighbours Once during design development phase only


Number Description Importance
1 Build and sell a house High
2 Make as much money as possible High
3 Comply with all government regulations High
4 Build as fast as economically possible Medium


This should be done as cheaply as possible, while taking in to account the requirement of building as quickly as possible. The revenue is more or less decided since the house will sell for 3 to 3.5 the block price, and therefore the profit is primarily a function of cost. We're not actually trying to maximise profit, we're trying to maximise profit/time in order to calculate the effective return on investment. Work will be sourced through the builder where possible to reduce cost. Parts will be recycled where required. All work that is reasonable to do without contractors will be done without contractors. All expenses will be tracked. The build will be budgetted in advance in order to manage costs.


Parts will be aquired in the way which is cheapest and fastest, in order to comply with requirement 2 and 4.


The quality of the build must be such that it complies with all government regulations, and is also a home that a person wants to live in for the price.


If possible, already owned materials will be used. Waste will disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.


(possible control measures: reduce, avoid, accept, transfer)

Event Outcome Risk Controls Risk
Estimates are inaccurate Project takes longer to complete than expected High Reduce: ask professionals about realistic timeframes and factor them into the gannt chart Medium
Activities are missing from scope Project takes longer to complete than expected High Reduce: ask professionals about the tasks which are required Medium
Cost forecasts are inaccurate Profits are lower than expected High Reduce: ask professionals about the costs which are required Medium
Change management overload Project stagnates Medium Reduce: address change in sequential and logical manner Low
Stakeholder conflict over proposed changes Project stagnates Medium Reduce: give control to different parts of project to different people in order to avoid compromise Low
Perceptions that a project failed because of changes Unhappy stakeholders Medium Reduce: get confirmation from required stakeholders for all relevant changes Low
Lack of a change management system No ability to manage changes High Reduce: create a change management system Low
Inaccurate change priorities Delayed project timeline Medium Reduce: individially assess the importance of each change Low
Low quality of change requests Wasted time doing change management Low Accept Low
Change request conflicts with requirements Project failure High Avoid: don't process changes that violate the project requirements Low
Stakeholders become disengaged Project stagnates Medium Reduce: discuss project progress with stakeholders according to the communication schedule Low
Stakeholder conflict Disagreements cause project failure Medium Reduce: go and do fun things with them every so often to keep everyone friendly Low
Resource shortfalls Longer project completion time Medium Reduce: Hire contractors when required Low
Learning curves lead to delays and cost overrun Project is delayed High Reduce: learn house building skills on a consistent basis, ask professionals for help when required Medium
Team members with negative attitudes towards the project Project doesn't flow smoothly Medium Avoid: eat donuts Low
Design is infeasible Build is not possible Medium Reduce: design according to Australian Standards and follow best practice Low
Failure to integrate with business processes Time delays High Reduce: co-ordinate financial decisions with the build Low
Project disrupts operations Lower quality family life Medium Accept: the build is very high priority Medium
Decision delays impact project Project is delayed Medium Accept Medium
Market forces impact project Profit reduced High Accept: out of control High
Product doesn't sell Profit isn't realised Medium Reduce: make the product as saleable as possible by liasing with salespeople from outset Low
Product incurs legal liability Big problems Medium Accept: we have a builder, that's pretty much all we can do Medium
Product negatively affects reputation Harder to get people to take future projects seriously Medium Accept: we do what we do Medium


There are a few family members involved in this project, and some HR will be required in order to keep everything happening. I don't anticipate having to do anything in particular as a part of this, since our relationships are already very good, and I refuse to treat them as anything other than family.


By focussing on the critical path, and fully employing all resources, the project should be able to continue steadily. Once again, profit is a function of cost and time, so this is crucial to the requirements of the project.