

As I started writing up my first project, I realised that I would need to create a template to assist in the creation of future pages. This page will describe the process of building the template. It will be quite boring.


Things that I think are important:

After writing out some of these, I realised that I am already aware of a project management framework: PMBOK. According to this framework, there are 10 "knowledge areas" required for project management:

  1. Integration: essentially redundant for my purposes. Or is it the purpose of this very document?
  2. Scope: extremely important
  3. Time: extremely important
  4. Cost: important
  5. Quality: important
  6. Human resource: important
  7. Communications: not that important
  8. Risk: important
  9. Procurement: important
  10. Stakeholder: important

Based on this, I was able to start defining some of the common themes in projects. Drawing on my learning from my engineering studies, I determined that a good place to begin would be a 1) stakeholder management matrix, listing stakeholders, and the level and type of communication required. 2) A set of requirements would need to be listed. This would be a living list, subject to change by the client or other stakeholders. 3) Then, cost and quality management would have to be identified, to complete the TBL (triple bottom line - social, economic, and environmental). That leaves: time, HR, and risk. So, HR and risk can come in any order, and finally time management. Time management is last since the project has to be fully defined before accurate estimates of time can be made. Unless, of course, time is a client requirement. So; what would this look like? I will use the Scarf project as an example.

Stakeholders and Communications

Stakeholder Communication
Client: Friend None
External consultant: Mum Bi-weekly


Number Description Importance
1 Knit a scarf High
2 Scarf has pockets Low
3 Scarf is in "brutalist" style Medium


This should be done for around $20. This will not include the 10-100 hours of labour which will be required to make the scarf.


The scarf will be knitted as to have no errors observable to a person unfamiliar with knitting.


If possible, already owned materials will be used. Waste will disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.


(possible control measures: reduce, avoid, accept, transfer)

Event Outcome Risk Controls Risk
Scarf is not completed Friend's present never arrives Medium Avoid: Effective time management strategy Low
I forget how to knit I can't knit the scarf High Avoid: Youtube video tutorials Low


I am the only resource involved in this project. I only have to make sure that I have the required skills.


Daily progress will be important for the success of this project. It is relatively urgent (his birthday has already passed) and time is of the essence.